Wrapping up the third week of my unofficial participation in National Novel Writing Month; I didn’t accomplish quite as much as last week, but still a solid effort by my standards.

Maybe I’m finally becoming a more consistent writer?

Third Week: Saturday the 16th to Friday the 22nd

I mostly wrote on my standard one day one / one day off schedule this week, with the exception of Thursday and Friday being flipped.

Sunday, November 17th

A solid session at night, producing 2,781 words over 3 hours. One whole chapter.

Tuesday, November 19th

I wrote another chapter this night — 1,885 words, about 2 hours.

Wednesday, November 20th

I started a chapter, writing 1,182 words in a 1.5 hour session.

I’ve tried to avoid starting a chapter without finishing it lately — I find that I can write with much more confidence if I do a chapter from start to finish — but it worked alright this time.

Thursday, November 21st

Unusually, I wrote in two different sessions on Thursday:

During the evening, I wrote 1,544 words over 1.5 hours, continuing the chapter I started Wednesday.

At night, I wrote another 1,460 words to finish the chapter off, again over a 1.5 hour session.

In total, for the third week I wrote 8,822 words encompassing 3 chapters. Not as much as the second week, but more than the first.

Over the course of the month, I’ve written 27,597 words and 11 chapters.