What’s the internet without some back-and-forth connections?
Here’s a collection of links to other websites and blogs I’ve found useful and informative – whether in setting up my own blog, in writing, querying, or just about anything else having to do with being an aspiring author.
Literary Blogs
A quirky, down-to-earth and highly informative blog run by Kristin Nelson of the Nelson Literary Agency. A good source for posts on all subjects having to do with the business of writing and publishing.
Anne R. Allen’s Blog… with Ruth Harris
A great all-around source for writing advice, from beginner mistakes to avoid all the way through to tips for getting represented and published.
Probably the single best resource for finding agents who might represent your work once you get to the stage of sending out queries.
In addition to a comprehensive list of over 1,600 agents (and the genres they represent, response rate, and submission guidelines) you get access to firsthand accounts from authors who have actually queried those agents, giving you some idea of what to expect and how soon. Highly recommended, but note that the premium version (which has most of the stuff you want) does cost $25.
If QueryTracker isn’t the best resource for researching your future literary agent, then Publishers Marketplace probably is. A little harder to get stuck into, but the information is all there if you put in the time.
This is a resource to visit after you already have the name of an agent, and want to know the details – who do they represent, what have they sold, personal details you’re looking to put into your carefully-crafted query. All that stuff and more can be found on Publishers Marketplace.