It’s been a while since I’ve written any updates — the pandemic has a lot to do with that – but now seems like a good time to get back on it, and hopefully open the door to more consistent updates on this blog.
First, a little update on what I’ve been doing while I’ve been silent: I haven’t been writing anything on this site, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing! In the 10 months I missed, I have:
- Completed the first draft of The Gathering Darkness, got feedback back from my alpha readers, completed a second draft, and polished it. It’s now done!
- Fully laid out the broad plot points for The Second Sundering.
- Started writing chapter scripts for The Second Sundering.
And that’s where I am now! In the month of October I completed 27 out of an estimated 52 chapter scripts, for a total of 36,034 words that will never be seen by any reader. That’s about halfway there!
For November, the goal is simple. No word targets, no hour targets. Just finish all of the chapter scripts and make sure I’m ready to start writing the actual first draft in December!
Oh, and find myself an agent to represent my work. But one thing at a time.
I aim to be doing weekly updates again, hopefully mixed in with some more opinion and technique pieces, so keep an eye out for that coming soon!